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Synthesis Essay Body Paragraph (3/3): AP Lang 2016

Despite how a person cannot reflect all of the millions of everyday writing in their lifetime, preserving a large amount of them still possesses a net benefit. It is true that a person cannot read through all the books in a library, just like they cannot learn everything in their lifetime, according to the Roman philosopher Seneca (Source F). Nonetheless, the significance of preserving writings should not be explained with each individual’s capacity to learn: it should consider every one of us instead of one person. We might not al exclaim in awe ad feel pride or any other deep emotions when seeing a single postcard, but it is most certain that we can definitely find what we appreciate, from an 18th century diary about British industrialization to a diary written by an Eastern German during the Cold War. These collection serves for not one person, but all people, and variety often accompanied with large amounts of written pieces should be very valuable.


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