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Students in High School: Here are the tips you need!

Students in High School: Here are the tips you need!

Tip #1 - Khan Academy

If you find it hard to learn English, or any course, please DO NOT hesitate to visit Khan Academy to see how can help you. I especially recommend using their SAT Practices. They are also incredibly useful for stressful SAT test takers who really desire for useful "official practice" for the new SAT exam edition. Feeling unconfident? Just adjust the difficulty and find THE reading comprehension question tailored just for you!

Excellent for

Grammar (9.5/10)

Interactive Exercises (8.5/10)

Video Lessons (8.5/10)

Good for

Vocabulary Building (7.5/10)

Reading Comprehension (7.5/10)

Link for Khan Academy:

If you really want practice, there are over thousands of excellent questions one could practice on. The only sad part is that you do have to pay, and actually pay quite an amount, to subscribe for all those good practices. (Also some questions are super easy while some are super hard, so don't feel bad if you get a 40% accuracy. There was a time for Albert practice in which everyone in our class failed :-) )

Very Excellent for

English learning in general (10/10)

"Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going." - Rita Mae Brown

Tip #3 - AP Daily Reviews for Language & Literature

OH NO! It is middle of April, and AP Lang exams are coming up! What should I do with a blank sheet of paper and a pen? Of course we could all do better than doodling unicorns for the argument essay (though one student one year did do so out of desperation). Watch these videos where successful AP English teachers from U.S. high school illustrate reading and writing concepts really clearly for you!


Please visit College Board

Tip #4 - AP Lang Writing by Eduardo Barreto

Just because you excel in TOEFL writing does not mean your passage qualify as a "good paper." Indeed, standards for Honor and AP English courses are quite high and pretty hard to reach for most of the non-native English language learners. So, grab this book, and this great English language teacher would offer you some great tips!

VerY Excellent for

English writing techniques (10/10)

Tip #5 - 小站托福APP

Wanting a holistic review for English improvement? Well, this is a really excellent cite for some GREAT English learning opportunities for not only TOEFL but also academic and social lives. Lots of practice, lot of explanations, and you could upload your essay and/or speech for grading by expert teachers. It helped A LOT of students to reach 110+ and 115+ in TOEFL, and that is great news!

Very Excellent for

English Enhancement in general (9/10)

Tip #6 - Maintain a good habit of reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Closing Statement

These are enhancements, not fundamentals. To really excel in the long run, PRACTICE matters. Read more English books. Read, write, and speak English for at least 10,000 hours (or 1000) should bring significant improvements.

Please actively engage with your teachers too! :-)


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